working with me will be

  • Personalized

    What is your story? What are your needs right now? How are you coping? Our sessions together will meet you where you’re at, and we will work together to make the waiting fruitful. I’m not a licensed therapist, but I can offer advice on how to pursue professional counseling. Meet with me individually or as a couple.

  • educational

    While I’m not a medical professional, I have picked up a lot of information about various conditions and factors that contribute to infertility, nutrition, supplements, and testing, and I’ve gathered a lot of resources along the way. I will share with you what I know, recommend further resources, and help you make your doctor’s appointments more productive. If you have a question I can’t answer, I will help you find the answer!

  • empathetic

    With 12 years of infertility experience, I know the varied emotions you’re going through on this journey, sometimes all in one cycle. I can offer true support and encouragement from a place of firsthand knowledge. You don’t have to go through the stress of infertility alone.

  • faithful

    Our conversations will incorporate our Catholic faith, addressing the challenges that infertility presents to our ideas about God and staying true to the Church’s teaching on fertility treatments. I will never recommend you pursue IVF.

You don’t have to walk this path alone

feel more confident in your infertility journey with a mentor

coaching session details

  • One free 20 minute introductory call

  • $50 per 45-60 minute session

  • Schedule sessions as needed

  • Meet virtually via Google Meet

  • Meet individually or as a couple

  • Payment methods accepted: Venmo and Zelle

  • Alexa D.

    Paula's advice on what to ask my doctor, her insights into which supplements and diet changes to look into, and her empathetic listening as I struggled with pregnancy loss were not just helpful - they were profoundly empowering and uplifting in my fertility journey. Dealing with chronic issues in your cycle health can be overwhelming and draining, but Paula's mentoring has helped me navigate my health with hope and courage.

  • Sally P.

    Paula is knowledgeable about the topic and passionate about helping others through these times pulling from her own experience. She is caring and is willing to pass on any information she may have about any of the topics we discuss, which has been incredibly helpful. She has personally helped me with better understanding what tests I have done in my journey and helped point me to specific resources as well as questions to ask my doctor because research on my own was very overwhelming. She truly is a blessing.

  • Paige B.

    Paula's strong leadership has inspired us to keep the faith in trying times, while also holding a spot for our tear-filled moments. It's been a faith-building experience in a way I wasn't really expecting.